Why Should You Have a REALTOR® on Your Team When Building a New House?

If you're planning to build a new house, consider adding a REALTOR® to your team. It's important to have someone that's always on your side.

Last updated on
May 18, 2023 2:44 PM
Alyssa McDowell

Why Should You Have a REALTOR® on Your Team When Building a New House?

Building a new home can be an exciting experience. You get to create the home of your dreams from scratch and have complete control over every detail. However, many homeowners believe that they don't need a real estate agent when building a new house. They assume that their builder will handle everything, from finding the perfect lot to designing the perfect home. While it's true that builders can help with some aspects of the home-building process, there are several reasons why you should have a REALTOR® by your side. A real estate agent can provide invaluable guidance and support throughout the construction of your new home. In this article, let's explore the various reasons why you should consider hiring a REALTOR®, even if you're building a new house. From negotiating with builders to ensuring that your new home meets all legal requirements, a REALTOR® can help you navigate the complexities of the home-building process and make your dream home a reality.

Understanding the home building process

Before we dive into the reasons why you should have a REALTOR® when building a new house, let's take a moment to understand the home-building process. Building a home is a complex and time-consuming process that involves several steps. The first step is finding a suitable lot to build on. Once you have found the perfect location, you need to design your home, obtain the necessary permits, and hire a builder. Then, you need to supervise the construction process, make sure that everything is built to code, and ensure that your new home meets all legal requirements. Finally, you need to move in and settle into your new home.

How a realtor can help with the home building process

Now that we understand the home-building process let's explore how a REALTOR® can help with each step. First, a REALTOR® can help you find the perfect lot to build on. I have access to a wide range of properties and can help you find a location that meets your needs and budget. I can also help you evaluate the potential of a lot and determine if it's suitable for your home.

Second, a REALTOR® can help you design your home. They have experience working with architects and builders and can help you create a design that meets your needs and budget. They can also help you choose the right materials and finishes for your home.

Third, a REALTOR® can help you obtain the necessary permits and ensure that your new home meets all legal requirements. They have a thorough understanding of local zoning and building codes and can help you navigate the complexities of the permit process.

Fourth, a REALTOR® can help you supervise the construction process and ensure that everything is built to code. They can also help you resolve any issues that may arise during the construction process.

Fifth, a REALTOR® can help you find the right professionals to work on your home. They have an extensive network of contractors, architects, and builders, and can help you find the right people for your project.

Finally, a REALTOR® can help you with the move-in process and ensure that everything is in order before you settle into your new home.

The role of a REALTOR® in negotiating contracts and pricing

One of the most important roles of a REALTOR® when building a new house is negotiating contracts and pricing. A real estate agent can help you negotiate with builders and contractors to ensure that you get the best price for your home. I can also help you review contracts and ensure that you're getting a fair deal. A REALTOR®, like me, can help you identify potential pitfalls in contracts and ensure that your interests are protected.

How a realtor can help with inspections and permits

Inspections and permits are an essential part of the home-building process. A REALTOR® can help you obtain the necessary permits and ensure that your new home passes all inspections. I can also help you identify any potential issues that may arise during the inspection process and help you address them before they become a problem.

The value of a REALTOR's network in finding the right professionals

One of the most significant advantages of having a REALTOR® when building a new house is their network of professionals. I have an extensive network of contractors, architects, and builders, and can help you find the right people for your project. I can also help you evaluate potential professionals and ensure that you're working with the best people for your needs.

How a REALTOR® can help with financing options

Financing a new home can be a challenging process. As a REALTOR®, I can introduce you to trusted financial professionals that can help you explore your financing options and find the best loan for your needs. Together as a team, we can also help you understand the costs associated with building a new home and ensure that you stay within your budget.

Common misconceptions about not needing a REALTOR® when building a new house

Many homeowners believe that they don't need a REALTOR® when building a new house. They assume that their builder will handle everything, from finding the perfect lot to designing the perfect home. However, this is not always the case. Builders are focused on construction, and they may not have the same level of expertise as a REALTOR® when it comes to finding the right location, negotiating contracts, and obtaining permits.  Also, what's in your best interest in a contract generally isn't what's in the builder's best interest. If you're going to build your own home, you'll want someone, like me, who's completely on your side.

The advantages of having a REALTOR® when building a new house

Building a new home can be an exciting experience, but it's important to have a REALTOR® by your side. A real estate agent, like myself, can provide invaluable guidance and support throughout the construction of your new home. I can help you find the perfect lot, design your home, obtain the necessary permits, and ensure that your new home meets all legal requirements. I can also help you negotiate contracts, find the right professionals, and explore your financing options. So, if you're planning to build a new house, consider adding a REALTOR® to your team. I can help you navigate the complexities of the home-building process and make your dream home a reality.